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During the darkest period of my life, You were an anchor that i could hold on to, to keep me grounded in the here and now. Although severely wounded Yourself, You gave me a small piece of Yourself, showing me that the world had not ended. It had merely shifted suddenly onto a new path. You provided guidance and became a tether i relied on to stabilize my days.


Realizing W/we were on a slippery slope neither of U/us intended to travel down, You were strong enough to pull back and head U/us in the direction W/we originally intended to go. Although at the time, it hurt, i now can say thank You for Your strength.

W/we both have O/our own hopes and dreams for O/our futures. W/we both know the direction W/we need to take individually to be happy and fulfilled. W/we are both working to head O/ourselves down those paths to happiness and fulfilment. i know W/we will B/both realize O/our dreams. i have faith in U/us.

Other, i respect You as a Dominant. i adore You for the big hearted Man that You are. But most of all, i love You for the Friend that You have become to me. i just hope that i have been able to provide You with some small comfort as You dealt with Your grief. i hope You think of me as the little sister, friend, one who understands both sides of You, who allows You to relax and just be You.

Know that i will never stop caring about You. You entered my life when i needed You most. You gave me a hand to hold onto in turbulent waters, while my world shifted on it’s axis. Other, You own a small piece of my heart and will always have a special place in my life as i rebuild. You have become an important piece of my new foundation.

i hope some day to finally meet You face to face, so i can hug You and thank You for being there. In the meantime, i will continue my journey on my own path, while You travel Yours. Think of me fondly as that nagging little angel on Your shoulder, reminding You to take care of Your health.

i envision meeting You. Walking up to You, wrapping my arms around You in a big hug, kissing Your cheek and whispering in Your ear “Hello Other. How are Your sugars today?”